On the 1st of May I photographed Jean and Tom's wedding at the Garrison. The rain held off just long enough to shoot the formal shots outside beforehand. We then headed inside for the ceremony. The big beautiful windows at the Garrison gave off such a pretty light and I especially love that the wedding guests used the bubbles for the couples first dance. It was very magical looking. Congratulations Jean and Tom!
A couple of months ago I photographed Leila's 6 month session in the studio. She did awesome and I had so much fun with her. I shot her parent's wedding and have been photographing Leila since the day she came home from the hospital with her amazing dark hair that continues to grow in to the most adorable and beautiful curls. Her 9 month session is coming up so check back to watch her continue to grow!
I am so excited to announce that Claire Corbin Photography is moving to a new location July 1st! The new studio will be at 63rd and Westfield in the office building just north of Brugge and McDonalds right in the heart of Broadripple. I will be doing all the renovations myself (with the help of my wonderful husband) in the next few months so keep checking in for updates. I am so excited to have a more formal shooting space and more room to display my work. One of the best parts of my new office is the views of the White River. Along with the new studio in the coming months will be a new website. Stay tuned for the updates!
O.K. So my blog is in need of some serious attention. I am going to do me best to get caught up on the last few months in the coming weeks. I'll start with this adorable 1 year session I recently photographed at my new favorite portrait location Boradripple Art Center. Some of you who follow the blog may remember the fall session we did last year with Maeve and her parents. It is amazing to see how big she has gotten over the last 6 months. She just gets sweeter and more adorable by the second. Happy Birthday Miss Maeve!